Marlin Coast PedicabsPedicab Fun

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As I see it, the future of pedicabbing is unlimitted. The past and present - we have already discussed. The more we become conscious of our environment and the impact we are having on it: whether it be through the fishing industry, the depletion of the rainforest, or any of the other ways we are destroying what we have for so long taken for granted, it cannot help but make us aware of the devestation we are reaking on the eco-system upon which we so heavily rely.

img01.jpg - 13.4 K Our very existance - nay - survival relies upon the impact or lack thereof we are having on our surroundings.It is here, I believe, we can have a significant impact.

It may be a small impact, but I'm sure if we educate enough people, we will eventually make some headway. With a view to this, I suggest we continue on the path before us.

We have a unique form of transporting people over short, and sometimes longer distances, for an economical fee that invariably results in fun for both passengers and driver alike.

img06.jpg - 12.4 K With a view to the past, this has been going on for over 10 years in Cairns alone. And as many of us know pedicabbing is the oldest form of vehicular transport known to mankind.

In conclusion: I feel we have come a long way. But we have a lot further to go.Be a part of it; come join the crew at Marlin Coast Pedicabs.

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